
Showing posts from June, 2021


The Bible presents Hades, Sheol, Gehenna and Tartarus as Hell. Death, Grave, Dung Hill or Place of Burning and Place of Perdition are all rendered as Hell. So it does exist! Those who plan to die and to be celebrated after their lifetime on earth, maybe in the grave, are all going to hell! Do you get that clear? God has no such plan for anybody. The Lord answered that slothful servant whom he called with His strong word, "Follow me!", who was waiting to bury his parents before turning wholly to the Lord saying, "Let the dead bury their dead." You remember, Luke 9:59-60? Those who have plans for burial - to be buried are termed " dead " by Lord Jesus because there's nothing like that in God's agenda. And nurturing such notion is harmful and against the Most High. Man was created to live and to live forever. This is more true.... Those in the grave are actually closer to the fire, fires of hell - the stones of fire wherein Lucifer walked,...


Radio Honkin' is a daily review of bible verses as provided in this  Bible Application . It seeks to spur bible reading, most especially the art of waiting to receive God's word or accepting the Word as it appears. It provides some encouragements for a diligent seeker of truth and makes a real 'comeback' to eating and reading purely God's word, lesser hearsays. God is good! Maybe you haven't seen it yet... Here are some audio recordings (acoustic) of the review, downloadable: June 6 I Pray ft. Korede Lifted Ephesians 3:17-19 June 7 A Thousand Years Psalms 90:2,4 June 9 Strait Gate Matthew 7:13-14 June 10 Ready to Forgive Colossians 3:13 June 11 Be Still Psalms 46:10


Radio Honkin' is a daily review of bible verses as provided in this  Bible Application . It seeks to spur bible reading, most especially the art of waiting to receive God's word or accepting the Word as it appears. It provides some encouragements for a diligent seeker of truth and makes a real 'comeback' to eating and reading purely God's word, lesser hearsays. God is good! Maybe you haven't seen it yet... Here are some audio recordings (acoustic) of the review, downloadable: June 1 The Holy City Revelation 21:2-4 June 2 Waiting For Him Hebrews 9:28 June 3 Science Of Soft Answer Pv 15:1 June 4 Thine Is the Kingdom 1Chronicles 28:11 June 5 Comfort Yourselves 1Thessalonians 5:11


Radio Honkin' is a daily review of bible verses as provided in Bible. It seeks to spur bible reading, most especially the art of waiting to receive God's word as it appears. It provides some encouragement for a diligent seeker of truth and makes a real comeback to eating and reading purely God's word, lesser hearsays. God is good! Maybe you haven't seen it yet... Here are some audio recordings (acoustic) of review. May 25 Anger and Everyone James 1:19 May 26 Save the World John 3:17 May 27 Completing the Task Acts 20:24 May 28 With Them Romans 12:15 May 29 Everlasting Mercy Psalms 103:17-18 May 30 Trusting In God Psalms 56:4


The law is a good remedy for living the just life. But note, man is not created for the law, the law was created because of man, for peace and our peaceful coexistence. This means life itself is not about the law but for doing "something" good, if not everything thoughtfully good whenever it appears! Even if the law is silent on such goodness... As a lawmaker or good custodian of the law should you not rather help and keep those you're in charge? Why are so 'cainly' in your approach saying, "Is God not my brother's keeper?" Why would you, an expert, take advantage of the people's little knowledge to rob them and limiting goodness only to the books? You're so skilful to avoid the weightier matter of the law and wherever it is silent like, "masturbation" you suddenly jump up and say, "Is it good or not to masturbate? Or where is it written in the bible that "Thou shall not masturbate?"" You know what yo...


How much of God do you know? How well are you acquainted with the God you claim to worship or serve? Do you even care He exists? Have you taken time out of "no time" to make research about the living God? When God is assumed than known, my friend, it leads to presumptions. You'd suddenly feel God is unjust because He's not evenly distributed. When an evil thing occurs, you'd credit it to God, all because you've chosen to serve an UNKNOWN GOD. You're so quick to release Him your offerings than present Him your very life, the body He made....So, you gave to an unknown God! Unacknowledged, without any eternal reward! You'll only need account for the money-offering you gave because it's no where to be found! As not seen! The mysterious-money which is also a "spirit" as God is, does not leave its unaccountable officers unpunished. God is a mystery but not mysterious. He's searchable if you're so determined to find Him. He...


How many things have you started but failed to finish? How many things did you finish without a finishing? To start a thing is not as important as finishing it. In a relay race, you remember, you obviously mayn't the starter or might not even be the finisher! It's a common mistake to start a project without a projection and "faith" to finish it. It's wasteful not plan to finish. And it's more erroneous to start something you know quite well you won't finish! Both these "impromptu" and "erring" starters are guilty without excuse. The Author of our salvation started his work of saving people and He finished it saying on His cross, "It is finished" and gave up His spirit. He laid the foundations of our escape to heaven and gave His life and support to have us this expected end... There's this set of people who think somebody would continue their work that everybody thought anybody wouldn't be able to.... Howbeit?? Proph...


The last day is not some day in heaven because heaven itself has no measure of time. Heaven, though unseen to the naked eyes, still is timeless. The last day is the day before our full salvation is secured from this earth's corruption. So the last day's gonna be right here on earth! The last day is that day of recompense and payback to all that once lived on earth. Seems like it's the Seventh day or Sabbath, the day no man must or can work, neither adjust nor add to what's done. Those who sowed sparing some for themselves will have a half-harvest, maybe, 1 of 100%, while those that sowed wholeheartedly, sparing nothing, sowing even with tears will reap a full harvest with joy.... Those that sowed out of their carnality, bargaining with God for an exchange, unled by God's Spirit will reap "nothing" because everything would be gone! They'd actually got what they wanted. And those who sowed following God's lead will reap in full, eternal l...


Alleluia! The Bible speaks of an ENDING and the END . The two aren't really same – one is the process to the other. Yes, the gospel of Jesus will be preached as a witness to the nations, then the end(ing) . There remains one task we must do before the final end - it is application of the gospel. It's gonna be a WORLD OF APPS! Listen friends, the earth is superduper underdeveloped.... We must make a paradise, like the garden of Eden before the finale. It's our collective responsibility and all hands must be on desk. Actually, man was blessed by God to REPLENISH THE EARTH Gen 1:28, to restore back the earth's vitality. It includes other planets, pls. This we must be busy at, rather than looking to the skies for the coming Saviour. Friends, let's roll out sleeves now and bend to work. Yes, work the earth till it becomes better and very close to heaven – a paradise! Peace .


DAILY BIBLE VERSES • RADIO HONKIN' • ITC "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV Audio 1: In the Clouds, Part One. Audio 2: In the Clouds, Part Two. Audio 3: In the Clouds, Part Three That we'll meet the Lord in the clouds together with the saints, the dead in Christ is actually for the creation of the new world... O yes, it is the ending. Thereafter, the END!