Introduction : October 15, last year 2022, the Lord inspired me concerning His work and charged me to warn everyone working in His vineyard or at least, giving to His work (because eventually all our activities here and there is a form of giving) that they don't end like Judas Iscariot, numbered with the Twelve but unnumbered in reward. Bro, what are you giving? Sis, what's that in your hand you have to give? What's that little thing in your treasure you're willing to release? Watch that your giving don't cause you pitfall! Watch carefully, lest you're replaced even after you gave it all! Again, I ask solemnly, What do you think your own power has gotten that you weren't given? That day I had my first church workers' workout, an exercise of the mind for all working for God, appealing to your reasonability, I hit at the office of Judas that must not be erased, though Judas himself, son of Iscariot was to be. Peter quoting Psalms said, " L...