A few days later there was a meeting of the believers, about a hundred and twenty in all, and Peter stood up to speak. “My friends,” he said, “the scripture had to come true in which the Holy Spirit, speaking through David, made a prediction about Judas, who was the guide for those who arrested Jesus. Judas was a member of our group, for he had been chosen to have a part in our work.” ( With the money that Judas got for his evil act he bought a field, where he fell to his death; he burst open and all his insides spilled out. All the people living in Jerusalem heard about it, and so in their own language they call that field Akeldama, which means “Field of Blood.”) “For it is written in the book of Psalms, ‘May his house become empty; may no one live in it.’ It is also written, ‘May someone else take his place of service.’ Acts 1:15-20 GNT HACELDAMA, IN THE NUMBER. So far this maiden year for CWW, the life and ministry of Judas Iscariot son of Simon has been on our X-ray, ...