029/365 PREAMBLE, WEEK 5

“Go up on her walls and destroy, But do not make a complete end. Take away her branches, For they are not the Lord’s. Jeremiah 5:10 NKJV

If God destroys anything, it's because that thing didn't come from Him, no matter how goodly or graceful it looks. When God appeared to Adam lastly in the garden, one probing question, the last straw which broke the camel's back was, "Who told you that you're naked?" Gen 3:11

The info was real and genuine but sadly, it didn't come from God and so was useless. Even offering made to God must have been provided by Him. Abraham when questioned by his only beloved son Isaac about their sacrifice at Mt Moriah simply replied, Jehovah Jireh - the Lord will provide Himself a lamb for the offering, Gen 22:8.

Much later on, apostle Paul exhorting the church in 2Corin 8 said, an offering is only acceptable by the proportion of what you have not what you don't have. Offerings are pure and acceptable to God when it's He who provides them.

Likewise, growths not from God are accursed by Him. Such externality may be referred to as "weeds", some unwanted plants taking up some useful space. Whereas, God rewards every effort consciously made towards Him or work, He punishes as well every idle, inactive words.

Today's verse, 10, tells something more!
The people seemed to have just received some grafting on their God's stock. It looked as if they newly imbibed teachings but not taught by God. The vine belonged to the Lord but its branches, No! God then commanded a pruning, total removal of the branches - all unwanted growths!

In order to avert such occurrences in the coming Kingdom, God is more resolved and determined to personally groom every soul. Just everybody under God! No more middlemen! No more dragons' influences! No need for them any longer as it is in heaven. These mediators are rather experts at promulgating their ideologies about God than tell the real truth. They quickly assert their thoughts and doctrines, all half-truths than stick to one, wholesome truth of the word of God.

There and then will God be our Shepherd as David prophesied in the Psalms - the Lord our only Shepherd. Everyone else, brothers and sisters. There'll no reason to teach others, neighbors any more saying, "Know the Lord!" as everybody will be connected to God directly. Adopting teachings not from God, of Jezebels and Nicolaitans will be a thing of the past.

This is God's promise and will come true. Amen


Bro Kolawole


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