"He has kept this secret for centuries and generations past, but now at last it has pleased him to tell it to those who love him and live for him." TLB
Humans remained at a spot because of lack of the waiting spirit. No revelations, no developments. Check this, no normal human being likes to wait, not even to wait on God. "Wait" seems to have been designated for babies, right? If the eyes are not stationary or fixed, how would they behold objects till it is no longer twain? If the head weren't still, how will it be decorated or be anything useful for the header?
Revelations come only as we wait. And waiting is not a grievous thing... God watches to see if there'd be just one person who's understanding, seeking God and willing to change his generation's story and subsequently, for His age. Or probably for all AGES! God is watching. He keeps waiting.... The Lord waits!