And it was right and proper that God, who made everything for his own glory, should allow Jesus to suffer, for in doing this he was bringing vast multitudes of God’s people to heaven; for his suffering made Jesus a perfect Leader, one fit to bring them into their salvation. Heb 2:10 TLB

God made us for glory - His glory. And though glory is one and for the one and only God that no one should or can share this glory of God, yet all of God's children each with his glory are safely kept in Him. It means, your glittering as a star of God does not originate in you but of Him who made you for His glory.

The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 demanded his own share in his father's ecstatic glory. He wanted to live his future right away then and never wanted going out to working hard for himself nor labour for the family nor patiently wait to receive the promise of inheritance. None of those. Intricately, he wanted his father dead.

After a long deliberation his father heard his voice, yield to his will. The younger son, prodigal as he was sold everything given him, took the money and proceeded to a far country. There he squandered all his glory which his good listening father bequeathed him which he monetized playing with harlots, buying whatever he wanted and living without instructions, unguided.

So it is for everyone that demands his own glory or seeks the glory that belongs to God - Luke 17:10. Even when we accomplish God's divine task on His behalf, the Lord told us to present ourselves as unprofitable servants who has simply obeyed 100%! How much worse it is for the disobedient!? How worthless would he? If fulfilling God's will makes us unprofitable, what does being obstinate and insolent make anyone?

The first thing you'll notice about such folks is their desire to be rich, the love of money. Second, their readiness to exchange God-given glory for money. Third, their wastage and wasteful spending. Glory in actual fact, doesn't fit humans. Just as anger, only God handles glory perfectly as only God can be angry without sinning. Glory given to man will soon get him corrupt or he corrupting glory. Remember Lucifer Eze 28:17, his beauty corrupted him and thence became the devil which trouble the whole earth.

The other side to the prodigal son's story is his elder brother. He too failed to grow, had failed to see. He stood outside his father's house displeased that his father had welcomed back that prodigal son of his who wanted him pronounced "late". He also queried why his father never gave him as little as a kid to celebrate his birthday with his friends, but had killed the fatten calf on receiving back his wasteful child. Look, the elder brother was living also against glory. He never grew, was so immature in his reasoning.

Their father had to come to him outside and explained things to him before so he was converted. The father said to him, "Everything I have is yours, everything including him!" Get this audio downloaded from updates. Less than 40mins, 13mb. Be prepared also to pray till you see your glory rise as a son of Glory, trusting only God.

God bless you!!



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