I said to myself, "Let's go for it - experiment with pleasure, have a good time!" But there was nothing to it, nothing but smoke. What do I think of the fun-filled life? Insane! Inane! My verdict on the pursuit of happiness? Who needs it? With the help of a bottle of wine and all the wisdom I could muster I tried my level best to penetrate the absurdity of life. I wanted to get a handle on anything useful we mortals might do during the years we spend on this earth. Ecclesiastes 2:1-3 MSG

Solomon King of Israel sought experimenting with his life that while still holding on to wisdom, he tried foolishness and others - pleasure. He'd great investment in nature and agriculture and taught people by his experience. Solomon the Ecclesiastes who was a good teacher not only taught wisely but also in an interesting manner, with much enthusiasm. So he decided to experiment with his dear life and this was the result - this last book!

Now Solomon was not the first Person to experiment, he however, may have learned that God created the earth a testing ground after all, for all His works. Of course, God's main reason for the creation of earth was to have Man and have them live and thrive on it, tough and thorough, all of us perfected through suffering - Heb 2:10, which was why Lucifer the first was made.

The guardian Cherub Lucifer was created with a mandate and focus of criticizing God's work, checking and cross-checking the works that no stone is left unturned. But just before he'd commence his work he fell, just as Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron fell to the temptation of bringing a strange fire before the Lord. Lev 10:1-2, the two were duly anointed but before God would commissioned them finally for His works, they died by their own fire.

Lucifer thought himself to be the "only" one the first, but soon became corrupt in his thinking, his beauty corrupted him and he was fired, lost his place and name, his work also changed. He became the devil and instead of criticizing constructively, he turned a castigator and curser. He caused God the havocs of evenings and lots more at creation such that the Solar System as we now have was birthed - with many planets and uncountable planetary bodies.

God had Lucifer as one bad Specimen nobody should be like. Firstly, he refused the body given for his edification. He'd thought having a body would hinder/slow down his work but he missed the provisions of God, lived a soul being without a body nor spirit, as devil the evil One.

God as a Playwright has a Script which is His design of how the universe would be governed. Each of us coming on earth only come to play our own role according to what's written, some knowingly and vast very many, unknowingly. How saddening it is to have partook in something you never knew of!? How incriminating that is! That's what many are into! And because God's will will always prevail, many eventually serve God they never knew - unknowingly...

Now get this audio downloaded from the drive and take a good listen. It's altogether 38mins, 13mb. Reflexion this February is quite interesting and tasking, I implore you to give all that it'll take. Remember, we all are God's Specimens - good or bad. What's yours? 

Bro Kolawole (PoS)

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