Today, I open my talk by letting you know Solomon is, most probably, one of the Twenty-Four Elders in Heaven.
The Council in Heaven is usually made of people who had exceptional feats while they lived on Earth. Only 24 seats are reserved.
Men like Adam, the father of all mankind; Samson, the mightiest man; Abraham, the father of faith; Noah, our Saviour, etcetera, people with leading experience would have a space in the Council.
Solomon who wrote three books of the Holy Bible - Proverbs, Songs of Solomon and Ecclesiastes could not have lost it if he counted everything he ever achieved as vanity upon vanity.
Solomon, the wisest king - had 1,000 women to his credit, while Jesus Christ, who was declared to be wiser than Solomon, had no woman. Selah
Solomon established the truism that knowledge is inevitable. We may have come naked from our mother's womb but shall return with what we know! What knowledge have you?
Solomon in Eccle 9:9 emphasized one's wife, not property or children to be the most thing in life under the Sun
Solomon made hard work better sought than result and was in that wise, immensely prosperous. Money and result-seeking life can be very frustrating under the Sun.
Solomon, a good, wise and interesting teacher, taught the people everything he knew. Through his teaching, there was peace everywhere. He, therefore, represents the era of the Kingdom as defined by God.
Solomon, who gave the conclusion of all things, a summary of life as "Fear God", will later appear as an angel amid heaven shouting the same - FEAR GOD, at the commencement of the kingdom.
Solomon gave everything he had to God and sacrificed 1,000 cattle, establishing love for God as first and only.
Solomon, having instituted hard work by taxation, by implication, made silver look inferior and plenteous as stone in Jerusalem. Everybody had it enough and was prosperous!
Life remains vanity upon vanity, an empty chasing of wind if you live contrary to the dictate of Solomon the wisest. Your life is at risk if a different pathway is followed.
Repent, for God's kingdom from heaven is here!
Bro Kolawole,