Moreover, the word of the LORD came to me, saying. Jeremiah 2:1 AKJV
The very first thing to observe today is the coming of God's word - how it came to him. God's word is like rain or snow that falls to bring forth fruit, Isa 55:10-11. In John 3, 13 and 15, the Lord said His word is like water that cleanses. In a nutshell, the word of the Lord is water!
The second is about water itself - it flows freely downstream. Prov 22:1 says, "The king’s heart is in the hand of Jehovah as the watercourses: He turneth it whithersoever he will". Water always finds its level and will always be low grounds.
Therefore, if God's word will ever flow to anyone, that person must be lowly. Water except by force, does not flow naturally up. It rather goes to lowly people. The Virgin Mary was such an example. She, against the meaning of her name, lived in outright obedience.
Mary, unlike Zachariah the priest, her relative by marriage, believed every word spoken by God. This is what it means to be lowly, believing! And that was not a coincidence but a determined, purposeful life practised over the years. God found her with a blessing - the most favoured among women.
The other thing to note is the nature of God's word coming to you. For Jeremy, a priest, God restructured him to become a prophet to the nations. The word that comes will eventually form the backbone of your ministry. This comes with time and a lot of waiting.
Those who fail to wait will become thieves, stealing words from others to start their so-called ministry, something not theirs. It's dangerous starting your life on others, by what they say, others' view of God - all stolen words, Jer 23:30-31.
There are those also who hate the nature of God's word coming to them. For example, the prophet Jonah went off to Nineveh because he sensed God would be merciful to them. Jonah could have earned a good reward for establishing the ministry of mercy, but he hated it, and his life ended under question.
Bro Kolawole