1. People of Surrounding Nations vs 1-2, the first note to this chapter four is God's concern for the blessedness of godless nation
2. People Ungoing to God vs 9-10, many leave God's word to repeat other people's words. By and by what's left to them are lies, hearsays, false assurances of what God didn't say. A lot would rather seek collaboration with their contemporaries than hear God Himself. Israelites once said God's word/voice was too mighty, then prefer to listen to Moses, Ex 20:18-21
3. People love Evil, devious, malignant vs 13-14, 18, 22, crooked unknown ways of darkness than life of light.
4. People's Unreplenishing Acts, vs 23-26 this attitude has returned the earth to pre-Genesis era, made the world a wilderness. Humans seek fruitfulness, multiplication all dominating power but fail to REPLENISH the earth. Awful
Undo all - 1, 2, 3, 4.