**Answers to the Questions**
1. God began with Adam and his wife in the beautiful garden of Eden, a magnificent paradise. It served as a model for the entire earth. God's intention was to make the whole earth resemble the paradise He created for Adam. However, after mankind fell, God's plans for the earth were put on hold. In the coming kingdom, God will resume His program from where it stopped, just after those 6,000 years.
2. Things will normalize. Many things that are currently considered abnormal have, over time, become the norm. In the coming Kingdom, everything will return to how God originally intended. For example, marriage was not part of God's initial design but rather a human solution to keep us going. In the Kingdom, this will be corrected; marriage, which was a human idea regarding God's creation, will be replaced with a better plan, just as the water was turned into wine at the wedding in Cana during the time of Jesus.
3. While the end times may be characterized by widespread destruction, their purpose is to create and build. God told His prophet in Jeremiah 1:10, "See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." Building requires the destruction of certain things. Moreover, the significant gap between heaven and earth needs to be bridged for the continued work of creation.
4. Any advice? Read your Bible. Familiarize yourself with its teachings. No one can read it better than you. Stay close to it for updates. God bless you!