004/365 The Kingdom Judgment.mp4 download The book of Jeremiah One tells us about judgment as well as Ecclesiastes 12 , about God's determination to judge matters. But God's judgment is not as often portrayed - seeing people in trouble or burning in flames. Rather, His judgment is far more simplified. There's a saying in my native land about God's judgment, said in a song - " God's fire doesn't hurt and if it does, it won't kill " Songs like this, tell us that God's judgment is a little different from our assumptions. Nonetheless, when someone is judged these signs are critically obvious 1. Difficulty in repentance 2. Repeated attacks 3. Sin becomes your own 4. Someone else takes over 5. Seared conscience developed 6. Blackmailing the Way, blasphemy 7. Death Whenever God wants to judge a matter or say all things, His method is hugely tremendous. When it was time for God to judge the world of its sins, He didn't send down brimst...